well today i came to realize that wether we accept it or not, people never get contented with their lives, we keep wanting for more, we keep asking for much more, even if we don't verbally say it we tend to get envious of other people's achievements not that we want to pull them down though, but on a much positive side, we want to be like them, to feel just how it is to be on their shoes.., if they are up there..we'd like to feel the same way,, if they are way, way up..we'd like to know just how it is to be looked up upon.. i'd like to conclude that if we want these things that we say can fulfill our lives, we'd have to keep dreaming i guess, we'd have to keep believing, coz faith in one's self is the best tool we can use for achieving the best things this life has to offer!. never stop dreaming and never stop believing!
dreams that are worth dreaming are worth achieving..they say that it's not bad to dream of bigger things just as long as we should also be working hard for achieving them!.. dream on..and just continue with life.. kaya yan! life's a big challenge for each one of us, we just have to know, learn and apply the best strategies..
God won't give us a heartbreak, a failure, a downfall, a problem we couldn't face.. because he believes in each one of us.. he knows us personally.. all we have to do is take the right route in life and i tell you there's no easy way unless we do it his way..
i know i'm no preacher, not a good samaritan but i know in my heart that i try to be good and i'm getting there..(hala, napanu aku?), but seriously,, we can all be good if we want to, it's not easy but it's the life that is 100% happy..
okie..tama nah,, i'm getting teary-eyed coz it's all coming back to me..hayeeee!..magpakasenti ba?!..shiyet!..hindi ako oh-so goody-goody but i'm a nice person. i'm a student, mothah', daughtah', sistah, friend, foe, companion, citizen, child..all rolled into one..ahihihi, amen!
pwede kaya answer ko itu survey para ala lang..: )
xx. Are you male or female?
xx. Height?:
xx. Why are you taking this quiz?:
xx. Ready to continue?:
- sure
+ + + More into your personal life + + +
xx. Who do you live with?:
-my folks,
xx. how do you feel about this?
xx. Favorite family member?:
xx. Do you have your own bedroom?:
-yup with coi but he doesn't sleep with me,
xx. Is it messy? Don't lie.
-a little
xx. Is your bedroom away from everyoneelse's?:
xx. Do you feel you have enough privacyin your home?:
xx. Do you have your own computer?:
-nope, for the whole familia
xx. Is it in your room?:
xx. Are you single?:
-YUP!, love it!
xx. Any crushes?:
xx. Do you have a best friend?:
-ala, pantay-pantay
xx. And just how awesome are they?:
-too awesome dude!, dependable sovrah!
xx. Do you like to shop?:
-'love' to shop,
xx. Let's move on, shall we?:
+ + + Which do you like better + + +
xx. Being single or being in arelationship?:
-singles rock!singles rule!
xx. Being alone or being with friends?:
-with friends
xx. Being alone or being with family?:
-with familia
xx. Weekend at home or weekend out?:
-any basta weekends ayus!
xx. Sleeping with the lights on or off?:
xx.Being outdoors or indoors on abeautiful day?:
xx.Showering in the morning or at night?:
+ + + random + + +
xx.Tell me about that time you broke thatlaw!:
-di pwede sabihin i might go to jail!, yoko kaya makulong!!
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or ahomebody?:
xx.Tell me about a prank you played!:
-ahh madami..baka mabasa, lagot!
xx.Do you do things that are "bad for yourbody"?:
-yup yata,
xx.How much white clothing do you own?:
- a lot, i'm a white lady 'ei!
xx.What do you think about pain?:
-painful, ahihi!
-no pain, no gain!
xx.Do you enjoy depressing music?:
-yes sometimes,
xx.How many hours a day do you spendfeeling sorry for yourself?:
-1-2 hrs.,uhmmm..not everyday though
xx.What frightens you?:
-insects!, rapists, naka-droga!..eeeww,
xx.What do you think about violence?:
-bad for your health, bad for society...
100 blogs in 100 days, day 33: Energy Drink Reviews
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